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DS:E PhD Course 2024 in Berlin

From May 6th to 8th, the DS:E hosted it's first ever PhD program in Design Science in Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Berlin.

With a group of 20 fantastic PhD students we explored how to plan, conduct and publish Design Science Research in entrepreneurship and innovation.


Altogether, our PhD course centered around three major areas

Where to Play? - Understanding Design Science

The first area focused on how design science projects are developed and organized. In particular, how they are categorised in the literature and how to ensure that rigor and relevance criteria can be met. 


How to Play? - Doing Design Science

On our second day, we delved deeper into the topic of how design science projects can be realized across different lines of research. In particular, we took a deep dive into different frameworks that are used as a basis for design science projects. Among other things, we also dealt with the new emerging frameworks eDSR methodology by Tuunannen and colleagues (2024) and the DS:X methodology by Christoph Seckler and colleagues (2024). 


Playing to win! - Publishing Design Science

On our last day, we delved deeper into the topic of how design science projects, especially in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation, can be published in various journals. In particular, Hannes Rothe presented various strategies and approaches that should guarantee the best possible success of the sessions.

However, all three areas were under one important criterion: Building a community! Creating a sense of community with like-minded scholars-practitioners as well as practitioner-scholars who are committed to design science and continue to work to strengthen the research paradigm was one of the most important success criteria of the PhD course.

Thanks to David Kohlruss for these great shots! 

©2025 by Center for Design Science in Entrepreneurship (DS:E)

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